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World Goldpanning
Championships Zlaté Hory 2024

Starting fee

Category Alias Price 1 Price 2
Proficient Men PM 30 € (750 Kč) 25 € (625 Kč)
Proficient Women PW 30 € (750 Kč) 25 € (625 Kč)
Classic Pan Batea CPB 30 € (750 Kč) 25 € (625 Kč)
Veterans VET 25 € (625 Kč) 20 € (500 Kč)
Juniors JUN 25 € (625 Kč) 20 € (500 Kč)
Children CH 25 € (625 Kč) 20 € (500 Kč)
Two-member Team T2 30 € (750 Kč) 30 € (750 Kč)
Three-member Team T3 45 € (1125 Kč) 45 € (1125 Kč)
Five-member Team T5 75 € (1875 Kč) 75 € (1875 Kč)
National Team NAT 75 € (1875 Kč) 75 € (1875 Kč)
Pikkies PIK 12 € (300 Kč) 10 € (250 Kč)
Family FAM 30 € (750 Kč) 30 € (750 Kč)
Unusual Tool UNT 12 € (300 Kč) 10 € (250 Kč)

Price 1: Regular entry fee when registering on site
Price 2: Reduced entry fee for online registration (until August 4th 2024)

Description of official categories

Proficient Men (PM)
Men competing under WGA rules
Proficient Woman (PW)
Women competing under WGA rules
Classic Pan Batea (CPB)
Competitors on batea (chinese hat) regardless of gender (pans for this category will be provided by the organisers)
Veterans (VET)
Competitors over the age of 60 at the time of the start, regardless of gender.
Juniors (JUN)
Competitors under the age of 16 at the time of the start, regardless of gender.
Children (CH)
Competitors under the age of 12 at the time of the start, regardless of gender. ATTENTION - Competitors in this category will compete WITHOUT physical assistance from another person (except for bringing a bucket of sand to the claim).
2 Person Team (T2)
2 competitors regardless of gender (can only compete in one team of two - see WGA rules)
3 Person Team (T3)
3 competitors regardless of gender (can only compete in one team of three - see WGA rules)
5 Person Team (T5)
5 competitors regardless of gender (can only compete in one team of five - see WGA rules)
National Team (NAT)
5 competitors per country regardless of gender (only one team per country)

Description of unofficial categories

Pikkies (PIK)
Competitors under 5 years of age at the time of the start, regardless of gender (max. 30 participants)
Grand Masters (GM)
Competitors born in 1949 and older, regardless of gender (max. 30 participants)
Family (FAM)
A child or junior (i.e. a competitor under the age of 16 at the time of the start) of either sex and their parent or grandparent or aunt or uncle.
Unusual Tool (UNT)
Competitors regardless of gender (panning tool for this category will be provided by the organiser) (max. 90 competitors)

Categories to be added during the event — cannot be entered at the start

Individual time trial — rules to be announced on site
Champion of champions (CHC)
Competition of the World Champions (1st place at the World Championships) in individual categories
Golden pan of the Mayor of Zlaté Hory (PAN)
Winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) in the categories PM, PW, CPB, VET, JUN, CH
V.I.P. (VIP)
Competitors in this category will be determined by the organiser.