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World Goldpanning
Championships Zlaté Hory 2024

Persons in competition

Persons Men Women
Arrived 499 304 195
Absent 32 19 13
Total 531 323 208

Persons by countries

Country Name Persons Men Women
CZ Czech Republic 174 104 70
SK Slovakia 63 40 23
ES Spain 40 21 19
DE Germany 33 22 11
ZA South Africa 27 12 15
PL Poland 25 21 4
IT Italy 24 17 7
SE Sweden 20 13 7
FR France 19 11 8
FI Finland 19 11 8
AT Austria 14 10 4
NL Netherlands 12 8 4
NO Norway 7 4 3
NZ New Zealand 7 3 4
CH Switzerland 7 4 3
UK United Kingdom 3 1 2
CA Canada 2 1 1
DK Denmark 2 1 1
JP Japan 1 0 1

Registrations in category

Category Alias Limit Registered Confirmed
Proficient Men PM - 224 224
Proficient Women PW - 148 148
Classic Pan Batea CPB - 240 240
Veterans VET - 114 114
Juniors JUN - 36 36
Children CH - 50 50
Two-member Team T2 - 144 144
Three-member Team T3 - 85 85
Five-member Team T5 - 51 51
National Team NAT - 16 16
Pikkies PIK 30 11 11
Family FAM - 44 44
Unusual Tool UNT 120 117 117
Champion of champions CHC - 31 31
Golden pan of the Mayor of Zlaté Hory PAN - 18 18
V. I. P. VIP - 12 12
Grand Masters GM 30 19 19
Scouts SCO - 23 23

Oldest and yougest person

ID Competitor Country Born Age
12760 Peter Ossenkopf DE <private entry> <private entry>
15488 Lukáš Kozoň CZ <private entry> <private entry>

Birthdays close to competition date

ID Competitor Country Born Age
15752 Darina Sopčáková CZ <private entry> <private entry>
13673 Bohumil Toms CZ <private entry> <private entry>
13332 Agatha Sax FR <private entry> <private entry>
13376 Amélie Jirešová CZ <private entry> <private entry>
10439 Zbigniew Świerk PL <private entry> <private entry>
14806 Norbert Makowski PL <private entry> <private entry>
13926 Pavol Petrek CZ <private entry> <private entry>
10043 František Verbich SK <private entry> <private entry>
11462 Ema Matoušková SK <private entry> <private entry>
11880 Ralf Kensy DE <private entry> <private entry>
13156 Ari Nissilä FI <private entry> <private entry>
12991 Jirka Dunovský CZ <private entry> <private entry>
10406 Romek Rodzen PL <private entry> <private entry>
12573 Surprise Mdluli ZA <private entry> <private entry>
12771 Vladimír Bláha CZ <private entry> <private entry>
11891 Anette Rosén SE <private entry> <private entry>
15169 Etienne Coyen FR <private entry> <private entry>
13629 Albín Kozoň CZ <private entry> <private entry>
11583 Matěj Hanousek CZ <private entry> <private entry>
13662 Klára Tomsová CZ <private entry> <private entry>
11704 Veronika Levová CZ <private entry> <private entry>
14883 Marlon Ganter DE <private entry> <private entry>
15136 Bernd Pohlann DE <private entry> <private entry>
13035 Franz Schwarzmaier AT <private entry> <private entry>
12947 Camilla Novaa DK <private entry> <private entry>
11968 Ľubica Ťažká SK <private entry> <private entry>
15686 Adam Kožušník CZ <private entry> <private entry>

Ranking of cities according to the number of participants (Top 20)

City Country Number of participants
Zlaté Hory CZ 31
Navelgas ES 27
Praha CZ 14
Pilgrims Rest ZA 13
Brno CZ 12
Bruntál CZ 11
Złotoryja PL 9
Trenčín SK 8
Ostrava CZ 7
Banská Bystrica SK 6
Hrob CZ 6
Kremnica SK 6
Madrid ES 6
Mělník CZ 6
Münich DE 6
Chrenovec-Brusno SK 5
Kriváň SK 5
Svätý Jur SK 5
Svenljunga SE 5
Světlá nad Sázavou CZ 5